In the electoral battleground of Wayanad, Kerala BJP state chief, K Surendran, steps up to challenge Congress MP Rahul Gandhi. However, Surendran’s political journey is shadowed by a staggering 242 criminal cases against him. This disclosure comes as part of the mandatory reporting requirements, with details of these cases spanning three full pages in the party’s official publication.
Sabarimala Protests Echo in Legal Battles
Many of Surendran’s legal entanglements stem from his involvement in the Sabarimala protests of 2018, highlighting the complexities of political activism in the region. The BJP’s candidate for the Ernakulam constituency, K S Radhakrishnan, similarly finds himself entwined in legal disputes, with approximately 211 cases against him.
Legalities Amidst Political Activism
George Kurian, the BJP’s state general secretary, attributes the bulk of these cases to the fallout of political demonstrations and strikes organized by party leaders. He emphasizes that such cases are predominantly awaiting resolution in courts, underscoring the intricate relationship between political engagement and legal scrutiny.
Acknowledging the necessity of transparency, the BJP has made it a requirement for candidates to disclose details of their legal matters. National general secretary B L Santhosh took to social media to unveil the legal backdrop of Surendran, Radhakrishnan, as well as other party candidates, highlighting the challenges faced by nationalists in certain regions of the country.
It’s hard to be nationalists in some parts of Bharath . It’s everyday struggle . But it’s worth the struggle . Form C7 of Sri @surendranbjp , WAYANAD candidate .One person … Hundreds of cases .
— B L Santhosh ( Modi Ka Parivar ) (@blsanthosh) March 28, 2024
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